Monday, October 24, 2011

Reflection of NYC

I said it in my first Blog, I as a New Yorker thought I really did know everything, Wow, was I wrong.  I have had such a great experience, I met really nice people from the class, Our Professors were really cool and made each adventure fun and enjoyable.  I have learned a great deal about NewYork and its Boroughs.  I can now take Family and Friend's to these great places and explain to them things that I learned from taking this class.
I will miss waking up and traveling to Penn Station to meet and start the day off.  I would not know what we would be getting into each class but I know I felt it at the end of the day, from the pain in my legs, but it was good feeling to know what I accomplished and all the great things I have seen and learned about.
One of the most memorable things that I will never forget was walking through Central Park from one end to the other, It was great how the whole class came together through our adventure in Central Park.
I want to Thank Mike and Meritta for a wonderful experience, I really enjoyed each class from beginning to end.

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